Sandra Kendell Art and Books

oil on board from "Quoll", published by Windy Hollow Books

watercolour on Arches paper from "Green Tree Frogs" published by Windy Hollow Books

watercolour on Arches paper from "Green Tree Frogs" published by Windy Hollow Books

oil on board from "Welcome Little Scrubfowl" published by Windy Hollow Books

acrylic and watercolour on paper from "A Surprise for Dingo" written by Rina A Foti published by Windy Hollow Books

mixed media on paper commissioned by the Northern Territory Government

acrylic and watercolour on paper from "The Bushwalk" published by Windy Hollow Books

watercolour on Arches paper from "Green Tree Frogs" published by Windy Hollow Books

from The Top End ABC Alphabet Colouring Book

acrylic and watercolour on paper from "The Bushwalk" published by Windy Hollow Books

watercolour and pen on paper

acrylic and watercolour on paper from "A Surprise for Dingo" written by Rina A Foti published by Windy Hollow Books